Date: Monday 9th Mar 2015 10:30
Location: Salón de Actos, Espai la Senieta, Moraira (next to the large free car park)
Subject: Picasso and His Muses
Lecturer: Maureen Stanley
Free entry
“As an artist you are extraordinary but, morally speaking, you are worthless.” Dora Maar (muse).
Picasso knew and loved dozens of women during his long life, seven of whom stand out for their close relationships with the artist, the dramatics of their own backgrounds and lives and how Picasso painted them with fervour, putting them on canvas in weird and wonderful forms.
From Fernande Olivier (his first major muse to his last (Jacqueline Roque) these ladies shared his life through thick and thin – in dire poverty when he was a young and struggling artist through more affluent times. His art came first, women came second.
Picasso was not easy to live with – jealous, unfaithful, morose and often even cruel, he and his muses lived tempestuous lives. His passion for women and their influence on his art knew no bounds. It is said that his artistic style changed each time a new lover came into his life. Let’s look behind the pictures and see how these super-models coped with a genius.
Maureen Stanley