Practical Info

Brexit – Residency rights in Spain

Brexit According to the Agreement reached on December 15th, 2017, United Kingdom citizens living in Spain for more than five years on March, 29th 2019 will obtain settled status.

Residents in Spain for less than five years will be able to

Art & History Archive

180528 Art Talk 28th May: The Newlyn School

Date: 28th May 2018

Time:  10:30

Location: Salón de Actos, Espai la Senieta, Moraira (next to the large free car park)

Subject: The Newlyn School

Lecturer: Cheda Panajotovic

In 1830 some French ‘Romantic’ painters, hungry for ‘realism’ and fed up …


Egyptology Lecture Programme by David Rohl

U3A Egyptology Lecture Programme


David Rohl

(01) Ancient Egypt – An Introduction.

(02) Seeing Through the Eye of Horus. (The landscape and environment of ancient Egypt.)

(03) The Egyptian Genesis. (Archaeological evidence for the foundation of the Pharaonic state.)…

child miners
Art & History Archive

171211 History Talk 11th Dec: Old King Coal

coal minerDate: Monday 11th December 10:30
Location: Salón de Actos, Espai la Senieta, Moraira (next to the large free car park)
Subject: Old King Coal
Lecturer: Cheda Panajotovic

Marco Polo travelled to China in the 13th century and described coal …