
Committee Elections 2020

Elections will be held at the Annual General Meeting on 2nd March 2020.

Members are reminded that any U3A member can stand for election for any of the posts on the Committee. Nominees must be proposed and seconded, and sign
U3A Social Events

Christmas Dinner Dance 2019

For over a decade Moraira-Teulada U3A has held its Christmas Ball in the stunning surroundings of Salón Canor. This event is always a highlight in the club’s busy social calendar and this year was no exception. Over one hundred and …

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Healthy Walking Photo Gallery

From Euro Weekly News 29 January – 4 February 2015

Walking in a group is better for your health

WALKING can do more than put a spring in your step; It can help reduce your risk of lifethreatening disorders such as

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Membership Renewals and New Members 2020

There will be six opportunities for you to renew your membership for 2020. The dates are as follows:

  • Monday, 6th January 2020 at the General Meeting in Teulada. Desks open from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m.
  • Thursday, 9th January 2020 in
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Healthy Walking Group report for October 2019

Tuesday 1st October Aldi to camis and tracks between Moraira and Benitachell

At 9am this fine morning the car park at Aldi was full, an encouraging site for the walk leaders.
Thirty five members and Barney the dog arrived for …


Mosaics and the U3A Autumn Fayre

We got up bright and early to pack the car and leave space for 4 bodies. Mosaics are heavy and so we can only put so much in each box, so that we
can still lift them. Fortunately we found …

Local Events

In memory of Trevor Kemp 14th Sept

Members of Moraira – Teulada U3A gathered in Moraira Park on Saturday 14th September to remember Trevor Kemp, a popular member who died last year.

The members of U3A together with Trevor’s family had reached agreement with the Ayuntamiento that …


Love and Mosaics

How do you show love for a husband who is a BIG Elvis fan? Well, as his birthday is just a few weeks away, you make him an ´Elvis´ sign.  “Thank you very much, but I really was hoping for …


Inauguration of memorial for Trevor Kemp 14th Sept.

Many of you will remember Trevor Kemp – a good friend in our U3A who died last year.

He was always at our General Meetings where he enjoyed meeting his friends in the various groups he supported and greeting new …


Christmas Dinner Dance 2019

We are pleased to announce that the social subcommittee has arranged another fantastic evening for you at Salón Canor.

Date: Wednesday, 11th December 2019

Time: Cava reception from 7:00 p.m. Dinner at 8:00 p.m.

Dress Code: It is a smart …