
Review of Internal Regulations

On the 4th July, a draft copy of our revised Internal Regulations was sent to all members. We received some comments and suggestions from members and I am pleased to say that, following a review, the Committee has agreed to …

Groups -DO NOT USE

Vets Football

Starting date: Friday, 6th September – If you are interested in joining this Group contact Group Leader Dave Kelly at Dave Kelly

Frequency: Monthly – 1st Friday of the month

Group Leader: Dave Kelly

A new group being launched is …

Groups -DO NOT USE

Ladies Walking Football

The Walking Football Group are keen to enlarge the Ladies walking footballgroup following demand from many of our U3A lady members.

The rules are simple no running, no contact, and no tackling allowed. If you are interested in joining this …

Groups -DO NOT USE


If you are interested, please initially contact Sue McNae

Frequency: Weekly – Wednesdays 11:00 – 12 noon. At the moment I have 2 vacancies.
Venue – Upstairs room in La Senieta, Moraira
Group Leader: Sue McNae



Christmas Dinner Dance 2019


Please note that, as a result of an administrative issue resulting in a clash of events, the date of the Christmas Dinner Dance at El Canor has been changed to



Review of Internal Regulations

Over the past few months a sub committee has been reviewing the Internal Regulations of our U3A. These Internal Regulations are designed to add to and clarify the Constitution, and must be agreed by the members before they are implemented. …

U3A Social Events

A great evening for the Summer Ball

Almost 150 members of the Moraira-Teulada U3A dressed up in their finery for one of the highlights of the year, the summer ball.

On a hot night at the end of June, they gathered at Salón Canor outside Teulada for  …


Travel Group – Message from President

The Committee has become aware that some members who have used the Travel group in the last few years have received an e-mail from the former Travel group leader. The Committee was not asked, nor would have  agreed to members’ …


June Smartphone app of the month

As discussed in the June Computer Group meeting

With luck, you may never need it, but when you are faced with an emergency you will be glad that you had previously downloaded the Alertcops app. It enables you to quickly …


Last chance to buy tickets for Summer Dinner Dance

Your last chance to buy tickets for the Summer Dinner Dance at El Canor on Wednesday, 26th June will be at the General meeting in Teulada on Monday, 3rd June. The ticket desk will be open from 9:30 to 10:30 …

Groups -DO NOT USE

Gentle Walking/Strollers Group

Frequency: 1st Sunday of the month

Meet at 10:30 a.m. in Moraira Church Square

Group Leader: Keith Yeulett

This group is for those of us that would love to walk but at a gentler pace. Perhaps, you need to gradually …



Event cancelled due to extreme weather conditions


                               Venue – THE INN ON THE GREEN, JAVEA


              ON THURSDAY