
Travel Group Update

The Travel Group team are currently in the process of planning several trips for the Autumn months and these will be published soon.

The Travel desk is open as usual at the General Meeting on Monday, 3rd June, from 09.30 to …


Travel Group

As you will be aware, there has been a problem within the U3A Moraira-Teulada Travel Group.

I would like to confirm that the U3A Moraira-Teulada Travel Group will continue and currently we do not foresee any major changes to the …


Flower Arranging

Frequency: Weekly: Mondays 14:00 – 16:00

Venue:  Los Leones, Sol Park, Moraira

Group Leader: Tina Wallis

Flower Arranging is a very relaxing hobby. The object for each lesson is to produce a floral design to be enjoyed in your home …

Groups -DO NOT USE


Frequency: Weekly:  Wednesdays – Arrive at 6:45 p.m. for a 7:00 p.m. start.  Ends 10:00 p.m.

Venue: La Cultural”,  Plaza de La Constitucion, 10

(see below for directions & map)

Group Leader: Graham Foot

Unfortunately we can …

Z Group Pages

Classical Music Appreciation

Jennifer Needham

Frequency:  Monthly: 2nd Wednesday at 10:30 – 13:00

Venue: Moraira Yacht Club

Group Leader: Jennifer Needham

We are a friendly group who share an enjoyment of Classical Music. At each monthly meeting, we listen to a selection of music chosen …


General Meeting Venue

There is underground parking almost next to the Salón which belongs to the Bertomeu store, and they have agreed to allow U3A members to park there on the first Monday of each month for the duration of our General …


What is The University of The Third Age?

U3A membership is not related to a specific age but to a phase in one’s life (the third age) which follows the second age of full-time employment and parental responsibility.

The University Of The Third Age began in France in …


Summer Dinner Dance 2019

  • Date: Wednesday, 26th June 2019
  • Venue: Salón Canor, Teulada
  • Time: Cava reception from 7:00 p.m. Dinner at 8:00 p.m.
  • Dress Code: It is a smart event, so please dress accordingly. No jeans or shorts please.
  • Tickets: 30 euros each, available
Art & History

Art & History 11th March

This week Angela Chantry gave a most interesting talk regarding Carmen Amaya who started life as a poor gypsy girl living in a deprived slum area of Barcelona who became the most celebrated female flamenco dancer.

She has been called …