
Don Roberts

On 7th October the Moraira-Teulada U3A lost one of its well respected and loved founder members, namely Don Roberts.

Don was a very enthusiastic and fun-loving character who served as the first President of the Steering Committee when the new U3A was …

Spicy Dining

Spicy Dining at Royal Buddha Tandoori -25 Oct

The regulations changed on the morning of the planned Spicy Dining evening, and table sizes shrank from a possible 10 to a maximum 6.  The organisers waved their magic wands, and the Royal Buddha staff did a hasty reconfiguration of …


Las Chicas in El Portet – Oct 2020

Las Chicas que Comen had their October outing close to home in Manet Hotel in El Portet, observing all Covid safety rules, and with the tables well spaced out. open but fortunately under cover.  The weather was changing by the …

Spicy Dining

Spicy Dining – Maxim´s 27 Sep 2020

Moraira U3A Spicy Dining group enjoyed a menu specially concocted by Cesar Maxim and his team to suit the description of the group, ie. spicy, and very different from their usual menu.  Pleasing an audience whose tastes ranged from “the …


Walking Football

Walking football for men and women is up and running again in Moriara. 
The session is every Thursday morning 10.30am -12.00pm at the sports centre next to La Senieta in Moraira. Walking football is a NO running , NO tackling …

Art & History

New Video: Intersecting Lives JFK and LBJ

By Peter Atkinson

John Fitzgerald Kennedy and Lyndon Baines Johnson: their lives, personalities and careers, with an emphasis on the 60s, the decade of their presidencies.  The principal issues were the cold war, civil rights, Vietnam, and the assassination and …