
Membership Renewals 2022 – Update

On 3rd December, I sent out an Enews to you all giving details of how you can renew your membership for 2022.  However, since then, the number of Covid infections has increased and therefore the Committee has decided, as a …

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Minutes of the U3A General Meeting 6th December 2021

University of the Third Age Moraira-Teulada

Minutes of the General Meeting held on 6th December 2021

Those taking part: Committee Members:  Prue Jackson, Peter Johnson, Pat Clarke, Stephen Higham, David and Eileen Haxon.

Apologies for Absence: Paul Sankey, Tony


General Meeting – 6th December 2021

General Meeting – Monday, 6th December 2021
Venue: Salon GL Teulada
Meeting starts 10:30, Doors open 9:30 a.m.


It’s party time !

This is our last General Meeting before Christmas, and we want to make it a bit special.

Dining Out

Dining Out at Dgust restaurant – November 2021

On a cool November evening, 42 members of the Moraira/Teulada Dining Out group enjoyed a warm reception and a hearty meal at the first of two outings to Dgust Restaurant in Moraira.

After being greeted by hosts Colin and Sue …



Frequency: Weekly:  Wednesdays 2:00-4.00 p.m. & Fridays 1:45-3:45 p.m.

Venue:  Benissa Sports Hall

Group Leader:  Michael Bond

All levels of experience, but more experienced players available to play with.

Cost :  €2.50 for our members to cover court and shuttlecocks …

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General Meeting Minutes -1st November 2021

University of the Third Age Moraira-Teulada

Minutes of the General Meeting held on 1st November 2021

Those taking part: Committee Members:  Prue Jackson, Peter Johnson, Pat Clarke,  Stephen Higham, David and Eileen Haxon.

Apologies for Absence: Paul Sankey, Tony Old

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Minutes of the General Meeting – 4th October 2021

University of the Third Age Moraira-Teulada

Minutes of the General Meeting held on 4th October 2021

Those taking part: Committee Members:  Prue Jackson, Peter Johnson, Pat Clarke, Tony Old, Stephen Higham, David and Eileen Haxon.

Apologies for Absence: Paul