Wine Tasting

Wine Tasting Group Christmas Meal – December 2023

The Moraira-Teulada U3A Wine Tasting Group celebrated their last event of 2023 with a Christmas meal at the new SAEN Restaurant (formerly known as Satari’s) in Moraira.  

Festive lights greeted us as we entered the restaurant and, after a welcome …

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Minutes of the December 2023 General Meeting

University of the Third Age Moraira-Teulada

Minutes of the General Meeting held on

4th December 2023 as Salon G.L., Teulada

Records of attendance showed that over 100 individuals had “signed in” to the meeting with each being treated to a …

U3A Social Events

Christmas Dinner Dance – December 2023

What a fabulous night members enjoyed at the U3A Moraira-Teulada Christmas Dinner Dance.  It was held at El Canor in Teulada, where the entrance and ballroom looked very festive.  The staff served up an excellent meal and afterwards we were …