Dining Out


By popular request we made a second visit to Restaurante Costa Marco on 14th May. Sandra had drawn up a really nice Menu for us and we quickly had 57 diners signed up to join us for the evening.…


Healthy Walking Group End of Season Dinner 22 May 2024

The dinner was held at Javea Golf Club and the meal and service were excellent.

With a fluctuating population it is difficult to choose a date which suits everyone and all but 2 Walk Leaders were able to be there.…

Wine Tasting

Wine Tasting – May 2024

The dynamic duo, Franco and Domingo, rounded off the wine tasting season for the Moraira-Teulada U3A with a selection of superb wines from Valdepeñas.

There was a brisk trade in the six Corcovo wines offered for tasting, unsurprising given the …

Travel Reports

Jordan April 2024

On Saturday 13th April, a group of intrepid U3A Moraira Teulada Travel Group members set off by plane our flight for Jordan led by Coral. Arriving in Amman, late that evening, we were greeted with the news that ours …