Date: Monday 8th February 10:30
Location: Salón de Actos, Espai la Senieta, Moraira (next to the large free car park)
Subject: Picasso and His Muses
Lecturer: Maureen Stanley
During his long life Picasso attracted and loved dozens of women. He was a ‘womaniser’ of the first grade. Jealous, fickle, unfaithful and often morose and cruel, women flocked to him nevertheless. He was a genius and this accentuated his personal traits even more. Certain of these ladies played very important parts in his life and work although, it must be said, some of them could rival him in his less congenial aspects.
What was it like trying to live with a genius – what made it all tick? Or didn’t it ? Did Picasso change his artistic style every time a new woman entered his life? We will study the portraits Picasso did of his wives and partners as well as examples of his other work of the time. From Fernande Olivier to Jacqueline Roque, let’s see the inside stories and life behind the canvas!