Frequency: Weekly: Fridays at 13:30
Venue: Bar Mediterranean, Teulada from 28th February, 2020
Group Leader: Roger Saunders
Ukulele groups are one of the most popular social activities in the UK especially in close knit village communities with new groups being formed almost daily. The Ukulele is a very simple instrument to learn to play and perfectly good instruments are available e.g. from Amazon @ between €30 to €60.
Most schools now teach pupils to play the ukulele because it is a much more versatile instrument than recorders and is more likely to encourage players to become enthusiastic about music.
Our Ukulele Group had its first meeting on the 17th November 2016 and meets each Friday at 1.30pm at our new venue Bar Mediterranean in Teulada usually for a couple of hours. By September 2017 we had twenty members and in May 2018 more than thirty- almost all starting as complete novices.
All are welcome and song lists with simple chord charts are freely available.
Click on the links below and the .pdf file will open in a new window for you to download.
with your computer mouse, right-click on the link and choose “Save Link As” to download to your device.
Contact the Group Leader Roger Saunders if you would like to come along and join us: ukulele@u3amoraira-teulada.org
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