Minutes of the General Meeting held on 3rd January 2022

University of the Third Age Moraira-Teulada

Committee members present: Prue Jackson, Tony Old, Steve Higham, David Haxon, Eileen Haxon.

Apologies: Peter Johnson, Pat Clarke, Paul Sankey.

  1. Welcome: The President welcomed members and reminded them of the Emergency and safety precautions.
  2. Minutes: A synopsis of the minutes of the General Meeting of 6th December were read and approved unanimously.      Proposed: Mari Snell, Seconded Colin McNae.
  3. President’s address:

 Prue wished all members a Happy New Year.

She said there had been a good meeting last month, and thanked David and Eileen Haxon for organising the quiz, and all the other work they had done for our U3A since coming out of ‘retirement’. She also thanked Mark Mentha for continuing to do our accounts.

She also made an announcement of the forthcoming elections and the urgent need for members to fill vacant committee positions. The President also announced her intention not to seek re-election as President for 2022 after having served  two years as President and several years in other U3A posts.  There would also be a vacancy for the Secretary as Peter Johnson was taking on other commitments.  The vacancy for a Treasurer has been advertised on a number of occasions.  She emphasised that it is now imperative that members come forward to take up the vacant positions to ensure the viability of our U3A, and consequently ensure its continued existence.

  • Treasurers Report

Steve Higham gave the Treasurer’s Report

This included an announcement of the imminent merging of the travel account with the general account, and that the current total bank and cash  balances stand at €21775.68 euros.  Provisions have been made for €2620 of trip deposits/refunds due, and €3360 for the postponed Christmas dinners.  €5962 of costs were incurred in 2021, against a budget of €6873.

More detail of the accounts for 2021 can be seen in the published December accounts on the U3A website.

  •  Groups and Travel

Prue reported that a number of groups took a break over the Christmas period.  Some groups are seeking additional members, including Gentle Walking Group and the Golf group. A notice had been placed in the last Newsletter for possible new groups of Bridge and a card group.  A few members had responded but more were needed in order to start these groups up.Forthcoming events by the Art and History Group and the Film group were announced.

Spaces were still available for the trip to Ikea on 9th February.

  • Social Event  Report                                                                                                                                                                     

Tony Old announced that revised date or dates for the postponed Christmas Dinners will be considered in the light of local Covid 19 situation and dates will be announced in due course when circumstances are appropriate.  The possibility of a late Spring or early summer Dinner Dance will also be considered when prevailing circumstances allow.

  • Membership Liaison

Steve Higham reported that there are at present no issues outstanding.

  • AOB A question was raised concerning membership cards, and the meeting was informed that they would in future be only issued on line by email.

The meeting closed at 10.50 am.