Membership Renewals 2023

Our membership year runs from January to December, so it is now time to let you know about the renewals procedure for 2023.

By renewing by 6th March 2023, you will continue to enjoy the benefits of membership without interruption, such as participating in group activities, travel trips and social events.

After you have renewed your membership, your new card will be sent to you electronically via email. This card will be proof of your U3A membership for 2023. 

For those few existing members without an email address, an old-style membership card will be prepared and will be available for collection at all of the renewal meetings.

The renewal subscription will be €10 per person and we are giving you the following two options of how to renew as we understand that many of you are unable to be here in Spain during the period January to March.

Option 1 – Payment in Cash

There will be 3 opportunities for you to renew your membership by paying in cash.

  • Thursday, 19th January 2023 in the theatre at La Senieta, Moraira.  Doors open from 10:00 a.m. to 12 noon.
  • Monday, 6th February 2023 at the General Meeting in Teulada.  Desks will be open from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m.
  • Monday, 6th March 2023 at the Annual General Meeting in Teulada.  Desks open from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m.

When renewing by this method, you will be asked to provide your name and membership number.  These details were sent to all existing members in an ENews on 5th December 2022.  Please ensure that you join the correct queue as the desks will deal with renewals alphabetically by surname.  You will be given a receipt for your payment and your new membership card will be sent to you by e-mail shortly after your renewal has been processed.

If you are renewing on behalf of friends, please ensure that you have their full details.

We currently have a few existing members who do not have e-mail addresses.  These members should renew at one of the above meetings and an old-style card will be issued to them.

Option 2 – Payment by Bank Transfer 

Please make a payment by bank transfer from a Euro bank account to cover your renewal subscription(s).  The payment reference must include your surname(s) and membership number(s) so that we can allocate the payments correctly.  These details were sent to all existing members in an ENews on 5th December.  Unfortunately, we cannot accept payments from UK bank accounts due to the high bank charges that would be incurred.

The U3A bank details are as follows:

Bank:  Caixa Bank, Moraira
IBAN:   ES02 2100 7686 6602 0016 4581
Account holders nameAsoc. Social Tercera Edad Teulada-Moraira
Amount:  €10 euros per person
Please write in payment reference/description:    SURNAME(S) and MEMBERSHIP NUMBER(S)

Once we have received your payment, your new membership card will be sent to you by e-mail.  Renewals paid by bank transfer will be processed in batches.  If you haven’t received your membership card after 2 weeks of making your transfer, please contact me. 

If you have not renewed your membership by 6th March 2023, you can still renew at any of the General Meetings or Coffee Mornings after this date but, until you do so, your membership will be treated as lapsed and you will not be able to

o   Attend or join any groups

o   Join any of the travel trips

o   Receive the Newsletters or E-News bulletins

o   Participate in any social functions

o   Continue to belong to our Facebook closed group

If you do not intend to renew your membership for 2023, please e-mail me now so that I can note our records and inhibit any reminders being sent to you. 

Pat Clarke

Membership Secretary