U3A Moraira-Teulada Care Coordinator

I am very pleased to announce that Rona Hurst has agreed to be U3A Moraira-Teulada’s first Care Coordinator.

We have realised for some time that with a membership of over 1000 “third agers”, health problems, deaths, mobility, coping, age related issues as well as happy milestones, like 50th or 60th Wedding Anniversaries, births of Great Grandchildren etc., are occurring more frequently. We would like to show that our U3A cares by informing our membership when these happen.

In time Rona may be able to put members in touch with others in a similar situation, support groups etc. or ask members if they can visit someone in hospital.

Members will now be able to email Rona in matters of “care” only with information that they wish shared with the whole membership or something that other members may be able to help with.,

Email Rona Hurst at care.coordinator@u3amoraira-teulada.org

Jill Cole – President