Almost 150 members of the Moraira-Teulada U3A dressed up in their finery for one of the highlights of the year, the summer ball.
On a hot night at the end of June, they gathered at Salón Canor outside Teulada for a most enjoyable evening. A Cava reception, held in the well tended gardens at Canor kicked off events, with music provided by steel band, Poco Loco.
Women who had spent ages getting their hair ‘just so’ were all bemoaning the fact that, what men looked upon as a cooling breeze, had ruined their efforts!
A five course dinner accompanied by impressive quantities of wine followed.
Lively music from Soulsplosion kept many on their feet dancing until midnight. A rendition of Tina Turner’s Simply The Best was the clear hit of the night drawing ever larger numbers onto the dance floor.
Even local taxi firms did their bit and managed not to leave anyone stranded for too long after the pleasurable evening had concluded.
Congratulations must go to everyone whose hard work and organisational skills made the night possible.
Poco Loco Steel Band
Review by Ian Graham, Photos by our Photography Group Leader, John Snell
A date for your diaries – Our very popular Christmas Dinner Dance will be held at Salón Canor on Wednesday, 4th December and will feature the fantastic Spanish duo Bella Luna – back by popular demand. Watch this space for more details.