On Monday 3 March, 68 members braved the elements to take part in this year’s AGM at the Salon GL in Teulada, where they enjoyed a free cup of coffee.
The formal Minutes will be published separately but we thought you might like to know the outcome now.
We received an End of Year Report from outgoing President Prue Jackson in which she reminded members of the various trips that had been organised, including for the first time in many years, a trip abroad to Jordan, ably organised by Coral Guise-Smith which was a huge success despite some misgivings about travelling to the middle east when there was a war taking place!
Prue noted that there were now over 40 groups providing learning and socialising opportunities for our 1500 members. Well done and thanks to all the group Leaders.
We also held two all members social events with a Ball in the summer and one at Christmas, again organised by Coral as Tony Old who normally organises these events was unable to do so.
We raised nearly 5,000€ for charity which was a magnificent effort raised from the social events, the regular monthly quizzes organised by David and Eileen Haxon, and the Knit and Natter group run by Diane Ord.
The Committee decision to allow free membership this year for members from 2023 is fully justified by the healthy bank balance, and the audited accounts are published elsewhere on the website.
Elections were held for the Committee with all post being uncontested and approved by majority votes. Your new Committee is pictured below.

A presentation of flowers and a gift was made by Margaret March, the newly elected President for 2025, to outgoing President Prue Jackson with ‘well wishes’ from everyone present for a relaxing time after 5 years service to U3A Moraira-Teulada.

Tony Old gave an overview of Prue’s achievements during her time in office and paid tribute to her steadfastness during a time of challenge that proved to be invalid but nevertheless created a lot of personal upset for a number of individuals including Prue. Her calm and considered approach was invaluable to the successful conclusion at this difficult time.
Margaret thanked everyone for attending and participating in this important meeting and looked forward to meeting as many members as possible in the coming months to hear what is required during the next year and beyond for our U3A.
P.S. AGM Minutes have been published since this article was drafted click HERE to see them.
Audited Accounts also click HERE