Art and History Talks

John Hopwood

Group Leader

Dennis Ainscough

Assistant Group Leader

Colin Donadio

Assistant Group Leader

Group Leader:  John Hopwood

Frequency: on the second and fourth Monday of each Month.

Venue: La Senieta (Theatre), Moraira 

Past U3A President John Hopwood is the Group Leader of the Art & History Group.

John has been joined by Dennis Ainscough and Colin Donadio who act as Assistant Group Leaders.

John is working hard to prepare new lists of speakers to present talks and is pleased to confirm that most dates in 2024 are already booked.

The presentations cover a very varied and interesting selection including Artists and Art History as well as the History of Individuals and Historical Periods and events which are well illustrated and professionally presented on a large screen via the in-house projection systems.

All members of our U3A are welcome to attend the talks and it is not necessary to book or reserve seats but it is recommended that you let us have your email so that we can keep you up-dated with information on future talks.

Full details of up-coming talks are available in the Art & History Group section of the U3A Website.

Members who have visitors are also welcome to bring them along to enjoy our talks.

Architecture and Public Art in the Comunidad Valenciana

There has been a lot of interest in the final talk given by Peter Atkinson in May 2024 before he left to join his family in Canada. Peter has kindly made an abridged version of his presentation, which is available here.

Upcoming Art & History Talks

The WPA: How Artists were Helped by the New Deal
March 24, 2025

The WPA: How Artists were Helped by the New Deal

Speaker: Rosalind Miranda

As a lead-up to the New Deal in the USA in the 1930s & some of the artists who were helped by this program, I will start with some nostalgia about the Roaring Twenties. Even if we didn’t live through those years, it’s fun to hark back …

The Year 1946
April 14, 2025

The Year 1946

Speaker: Mike Granville

Speaker: 1946 was a year of profound change.  In particular the United States and Soviet Union were emerging as superpowers, setting the stage for the Cold War. This talk will explore how the events and developments of 1946 laid the groundwork for the modern world.  It will …

The Earth is not Flat
May 12, 2025

The Earth is not Flat

Speaker: Alan Hunton

Ancient civilisations had little understanding of our planet and the general opinion was that it was flat or saucer shaped. All the heavenly bodies appeared to revolve around the Earth. Pythagoras and other Greek philosophers working in Alexandria in Egypt during the first millennium BC disproved the …

Sorolla, Benlliure and Blasco: Valencia's Greatest Painter, Sculptor and Writer
May 26, 2025

Sorolla, Benlliure and Blasco: Valencia’s Greatest Painter, Sculptor and Writer

Speaker: Peter Atkinson

We are absolutely delighted to welcome back one of our favourite speakers, Peter Atkinson, who is returning to this area for a short time from his new life in Canada and has kindly fitted in one of his superb talks for our members whilst here.

His presentation …

Elihu Yale and his Wicked Wife
June 9, 2025

Elihu Yale and his Wicked Wife

Speaker: David Ebsworth

Elihu Yale is a major figure in our history, though now mostly forgotten. One of the first nabobs, (a Muslim official or governor under the Mogul empire) Yale bequeathed his name to one of the world’s most famous universities. At the same time, he left nothing to poor Catherine …

Medieval Pleasures. Sex Drugs and Rock and Roll in the Middle Ages
June 23, 2025

Medieval Pleasures. Sex Drugs and Rock and Roll in the Middle Ages

Speaker: Keith Smith

When the word Medieval is mentioned, one conjures up images of death, disease and depravity.
But what was life in the Middle Ages in Europe really like?
What did people eat and drink?
What leisure activities did they pursue?
What were attitudes to sex? When could they have sex? When …

Edward VIII. Were The Arabian Princess and The Perfect Murder to Blame for His Downfall
September 22, 2025

Edward VIII. Were The Arabian Princess and The Perfect Murder to Blame for His Downfall

Speaker: Gary Johnson

Gary Johnson aims to show you how a little known Arabian Princess was to blame for the downfall of Edward VIII and how this happened.

Hannibal: Rome's Greatest Enemy
October 27, 2025

Hannibal: Rome’s Greatest Enemy

Speaker: Angela Chantry

Over two thousand years ago one of the greatest military leaders in history almost destroyed Rome.
Hannibal, a daring African general from the city of Carthage, led an army of warriors and battle elephants over the snowy Alps to invade the very heart of Rome’s growing empire. But …

César Manrique Cabrera (1919-1992)
November 24, 2025

César Manrique Cabrera (1919-1992)

Speaker: Angela Chantry

César Manrique Cabrera (1919-1992): described as the man “building paradise in the ruins of hell”.
César Manrique Cabrera was a Spanish painter, sculptor and artist, best known for his architectural projects as artistic director. He was one of the foremost exponents of contemporary art in the Canary Islands, …

Here is the > Art & History talks schedule for 2023 <

List of Art & History Lectures May 23-Nov 24

List of Art Appreciation and History lectures from Sep 2009 to 2013

Lecture Theatre

Directions to the Espai la Senieta (same building as the Tourist Office)

A & H Video Library

These videos have been prepared to counteract the 2020 restrictions.

New Video: The Architectural Legacy of Moorish Spain

New Video: The Architectural Legacy of Moorish Spain

By Peter Atkinson More Art and History lectures recorded as videos here …
New Video: The life and work of Antoni Gaudi

New Video: The life and work of Antoni Gaudi

By Peter Atkinson More Art and History lectures recorded as videos here …
New Video: Intersecting Lives JFK and LBJ

New Video: Intersecting Lives JFK and LBJ

By Peter Atkinson John Fitzgerald Kennedy and Lyndon Baines Johnson: their lives, personalities and careers, with an emphasis on the 60s, the decade of their presidencies.  The principal issues were the cold war, civil rights, Vietnam, and the assassination and its aftermath.  It is a story of two fascinating individuals, …
Outdoor Art in Spain: Architecture, Sculptures and Murals

Outdoor Art in Spain: Architecture, Sculptures and Murals

By Peter Atkinson A comprehensive tour of the art and architecture that can be viewed in Spain’s outdoors, from whole buildings to minor architectural details and stand-alone artworks, including the transient or trivial as well as the monumental and permanent.  Banksy said “art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable”.  …
The Life and Wonderful Works of the Artist Joaquin Sorolla

The Life and Wonderful Works of the Artist Joaquin Sorolla

By John Hopwood Born in Valencia to a wealthy family of fabric makers and then orphaned at the age of three being raised by his aunt, the wife of a poor locksmith, this artist rapidly became famous for his wonderful paintings. He was particularly well known for his wonderful beach …
The History of the Automobile

The History of the Automobile

By John Hopwood. Commences with an introduction to La Marquese which is the oldest car in the world which is still in full working condition and then goes on to discuss the very earliest ideas and designs for a road vehicle. It includes many amazing concept cars as well as …
The History of the Bicycle.

The History of the Bicycle.

By John Hopwood. This is a slightly humorous look at the history of the bicycle from the first push bikes through the many different designs to the latest racing and mountain bikes. Contains many little-known facts about the bicycle and is equally of interest to enthusiastic bikers as well as …
The Life and Works of David Hockney

The Life and Works of David Hockney

By John Hopwood. The quite detailed story of this wonderful artists life from his humble beginnings in Bradford to becoming the most expensive living artist in the world. His first picture which was of his father, sold at an art fair in Leeds for £10. His most expensive work, Portrait …
The Life and Art of Grayson Perry

The Life and Art of Grayson Perry

By John Hopwood. The full story of this artist’s life from his very difficult childhood through to his great success being the only potter ever to wind the Turner Prize and his many achievements as a potter, an engraver, a tapestry maker, an author, a Reith Lecturer and a much …
The History of Woolworths and the Amazing Exploits of Members of the Woolworth Family

The History of Woolworths and the Amazing Exploits of Members of the Woolworth Family

By John Hopwood. An in-depth look at the life of Frank Winfield Woolworth and the way in which he built the largest chain store group in the world as well at the tallest building in the world. The talk continues with the amazing outlandish lives of his grandchildren Barbara Hutton …
Video of A&H Lecture: The Magic That Was the Concorde

Video of A&H Lecture: The Magic That Was the Concorde

If you enjoyed the lecture you can watch it again and, if you missed it, for the first time, by clicking on the video below. Lecturer: Pete Carrigan Pete was a flight engineer 3rd pilot, and flew for 28 years for British Airways. He accumulated over 10,000 hours on 747s over 15 …
The History of Natural and Man-Made Glass

The History of Natural and Man-Made Glass

By John Hopwood. Briefly describes the various types of naturally occurring glasses and then follows with some in-depth discussion of how glass was first discovered, how it became a wonderful art form as well as a highly technical product with some interesting illustrations throughout …