160912 Art and History Talks: Double Act

 Announcing our 120th Art & History Lecture

Monday, 12th September 2016

To mark the start of our 8th season of talks, your two group co-leaders will be doing a ‘double-act’ on the day.


Having drawn straws, Cheda will begin with ‘Strange London Histories’ and will be putting a slant on certain moments and on some aspects of London’s 2000 year history.  For example, did you know that in 2006 Nelson’s column on Trafalgar Square was found to be 14’6” shorter than what was originally paid for?  Did you know that ‘Westminster Abbey’ does not exist as such the name being but a nickname for ‘The Collegiate Church of St. Peter at Westminster’? Not many people know these facts!
Cheda has been an accredited London tourist guide since 1972 and these are but two examples of London’s strange but factual histories.

Brian will then follow on with a talk about Iconic Photographs of the 20th century.
In Brian’s long career as a Graphic designer and Lecturer, he has often acted as an art director. He has sifted through many, many images and although we may not remember them, some, both-tragic, heart-warming and often poignant, you will instantly identify with.
One could fill many talks with different images of man’s interaction with each other throughout history. Few will forget the enduring image of the little girl running, naked and with terrible burns, from a miss-directed bombing attack in the Vietnam War.  Another image and story is of the Hindenburg air ship disaster as she arrived in New York in the 1930’s.

Free Art and History lectures are given in Moraira on every second and every last Monday of the month. All lectures are fully illustrated.

For those who have not attended our lectures previously, these are given in the comfort of the main (air conditioned) auditorium of La Senieta, the new modern building on the corner of the free car park in Moraira.

• The talks start promptly at 10.30 a.m.
• No booking is necessary! Just turn up and take a seat.
• All U3A members are welcome to these FREE lectures.
• For an illustrated synopsis of forthcoming lectures, please click on this link to go to our webpage Art and History Talks
• You may submit your name and email address to us and we shall send you details of all forthcoming talks a few days prior.
• All email addresses are kept as privileged information and are never passed on to third parties even within the U3A.
• You may email us via the website where more information will be found about our group’s activities.

Your group co-leaders,
Brian Nicholls and Cheda Panajotovic