
Walking Group Activities autumn 2023

Walks began on 21st September with an amazing 32 walkers doing an easy walk from Rafalets. The glorious weather has encouraged walkers and numbers continued above 30 until 31st October when 38 walked one of the more difficult …


Gardening Group Elche visit October 2023

Report by

Pete & Paula Brampton

Having missed the group trip to Elche in May, we had the opportunity to visit these beautiful gardens last week, and I must say, they were a wonderful surprise.

The Hueto del Cura or …


Dining Out @ Victoria Station – Sept 2023

On Tuesday 5th September 24 members of the U3A Dining Group went to restaurant “Victoria Station” in Parcent for lunch. This was the group’s first ever time there and an excellent way to start the 2023/2024 season of group activities. …


Orange Grove trip – 17th Jan 2024

Huerto Ribera gives us the opportunity to explore the Orange Grove, which surrounds a typical Valencian palace dating from 1870. It is an authentic Stately Palace that is surrounded by a vast plantation of centuries-old orange trees surrounded by a …