Z Group Pages

All Computers Support

Peter Holley, Group Leader

The group leader provides assistance to members – either over the phone, by email or by visiting your home.

Many issues arise from router problems such as connecting a printer wirelessly via the home wi fi, …

Art & History

Video of A&H Lecture: The Magic That Was the Concorde

If you enjoyed the lecture you can watch it again and, if you missed it, for the first time, by clicking on the video below.

Lecturer: Pete Carrigan

Pete was a flight engineer 3rd pilot, and flew for 28 years …

Art & History

Art & History lecture: Sorolla

At the Art & History Group meeting at the La Senieta theatre on Monday morning 27th January, one hundred and thirty members attended to listen to a talk on the wonderful Valencian artist, Joaquin Sorolla.

This was the first talk …


Moraira- Teulada U3A Membership Renewals 2020

With more than two thousand members the task of renewing and joining this organisation is a major operation each year.

As well as at the U3A General Meetings, special Renewals Days have to be held at the La Senieta Theatre …

Local Events

In memory of Trevor Kemp 14th Sept

Members of Moraira – Teulada U3A gathered in Moraira Park on Saturday 14th September to remember Trevor Kemp, a popular member who died last year.

The members of U3A together with Trevor’s family had reached agreement with the Ayuntamiento that …


Inauguration of memorial for Trevor Kemp 14th Sept.

Many of you will remember Trevor Kemp – a good friend in our U3A who died last year.

He was always at our General Meetings where he enjoyed meeting his friends in the various groups he supported and greeting new …

Art & History

Art & History 11th March

This week Angela Chantry gave a most interesting talk regarding Carmen Amaya who started life as a poor gypsy girl living in a deprived slum area of Barcelona who became the most celebrated female flamenco dancer.

She has been called …



Frequency: Monthly:  1st and 3rd Tuesday 11:00

Venue: Salón de Actos, Espai la Senieta, Moraira and in other locations according to performance schedule

Group Leader: Cindy Hinton

Our group has been running with great success. We prepare our shows, rehearse …

Web authoring help

95 Use of U3A Toshiba projector

A few pointers on the basic use of the U3A projector

Connect power cable
Connect projector and computer using VGA cable, use either input 1 or 2
Switch on projector, first the general switch, then the switch on top
Art & History Archive

181210 Art Talk 10th Dec: Woman in Gold

Date: Monday 10th December 2018  10:30

Location: Salón de Actos, Espai la Senieta, Moraira (next to the large free car park)

Subject: Woman in GoldLecturer: Angela Chantry

Lecturer: Angela Chantry


Gustav Klimt (1862 – 1918) was an Austrian painter …

Practical Info

New law proposed to safeguard UK citizens’ healthcare abroad after Brexit

The Healthcare (International Arrangements) Bill has been introduced to give the government legal powers to fund and implement healthcare deals after Brexit.


You can access the document on: http://…