Art & History

Video of A&H Lecture: The Magic That Was the Concorde

If you enjoyed the lecture you can watch it again and, if you missed it, for the first time, by clicking on the video below.

Lecturer: Pete Carrigan

Pete was a flight engineer 3rd pilot, and flew for 28 years …

Art & History

The History of Natural and Man-Made Glass

By John Hopwood.

Briefly describes the various types of naturally occurring glasses and then follows with some in-depth discussion of how glass was first discovered, how it became a wonderful art form as well as a highly technical product with …

Art & History

Art & History lecture: Sorolla

At the Art & History Group meeting at the La Senieta theatre on Monday morning 27th January, one hundred and thirty members attended to listen to a talk on the wonderful Valencian artist, Joaquin Sorolla.

This was the first talk …

Art & History

Art & History 11th March

This week Angela Chantry gave a most interesting talk regarding Carmen Amaya who started life as a poor gypsy girl living in a deprived slum area of Barcelona who became the most celebrated female flamenco dancer.

She has been called …