
Why you should use a Password Manager

Below you find the notes and three short informative videos from an online Presentation held at the Jávea Computer Club on 11 March 2021.

Peter Bayliss

All Computers Group Leader

Before the presentation we carried out a short anonymous survey.…


Meetings continue by videoconference

Under the current movement restrictions, meetings will continue as planned, on the first Tuesday of each month, by video conference.

Additional personal video conferences can be arranged by request to the Group Leader.…


Email Security

I would like to remind everyone about the importance of keeping your email account secure. I hope the following helps but I encourage you do whatever additional research you need to clarify any actions you need to take.

Where are


June Smartphone app of the month

As discussed in the June Computer Group meeting

With luck, you may never need it, but when you are faced with an emergency you will be glad that you had previously downloaded the Alertcops app. It enables you to quickly …