Spicy Dining

Spicy Dining – Maxim´s 27 Sep 2020

Moraira U3A Spicy Dining group enjoyed a menu specially concocted by Cesar Maxim and his team to suit the description of the group, ie. spicy, and very different from their usual menu.  Pleasing an audience whose tastes ranged from “the …


Walking Football

Walking football for men and women is up and running again in Moriara. 
The session is every Thursday morning 10.30am -12.00pm at the sports centre next to La Senieta in Moraira. Walking football is a NO running , NO tackling …

Art & History

New Video: Intersecting Lives JFK and LBJ

By Peter Atkinson

John Fitzgerald Kennedy and Lyndon Baines Johnson: their lives, personalities and careers, with an emphasis on the 60s, the decade of their presidencies.  The principal issues were the cold war, civil rights, Vietnam, and the assassination and …


2020 Ukulele Group – still getting together

Even though the Ukulele are currently unable to meet in person, they are still able to get together across multiple countries. See our Youtube video below.


Outdoor Art in Spain: Architecture, Sculptures and Murals

By Peter Atkinson

A comprehensive tour of the art and architecture that can be viewed in Spain’s outdoors, from whole buildings to minor architectural details and stand-alone artworks, including the transient or trivial as well as the monumental and permanent.  …

Art & History

The History of the Automobile

By John Hopwood.

Commences with an introduction to La Marquese which is the oldest car in the world which is still in full working condition and then goes on to discuss the very earliest ideas and designs for a road …

Art & History

The History of the Bicycle.

By John Hopwood.

This is a slightly humorous look at the history of the bicycle from the first push bikes through the many different designs to the latest racing and mountain bikes. Contains many little-known facts about the bicycle and …

Art & History

The Life and Works of David Hockney

By John Hopwood.

The quite detailed story of this wonderful artists life from his humble beginnings in Bradford to becoming the most expensive living artist in the world.

His first picture which was of his father, sold at an art …

Dining Out

March Dining Out at Dgust restaurant

On the 3rd and 10th March, the Dining Out Group met at Dgust restaurant, situated right in the heart of Moraira just to the side of the “fisher folk” statue. After two fabulous evenings, hosted by Colin and Sue …


Meetings continue by videoconference

Under the current movement restrictions, meetings will continue as planned, on the first Tuesday of each month, by video conference.

Additional personal video conferences can be arranged by request to the Group Leader.…