Meeting of the Moraira and Teulada U3A photographic group held at the Martillo Bar, Moraira, on 21st March 2018 at 1030 hrs.
Twelve members of the group attended the March 2018 meeting.
Several members had been to the Fallas festivities on 19th March, to see and photograph the different Falla, the flower parade and the Mascletá. Unfortunately, the rain that arrived in the evening deterred everyone from staying to watch the cremas (burnings).
The challenge for the month was “Waves”, which was chosen by Jan Adams, who managed to be in Australia for this meeting. We look forward to seeing Aussie waves next month! Several members had photos of waves taken at Moraira, Javea and in the UK.
A few members shared their images of the Fallas, however, as the event took place only 2 days before the meeting, most members hadn’t organised the photos that they wanted to show. So please bring the Fallas photos to the next meeting.
For those that didn’t make it to the Fallas, but have recent images that they want to show, feel free to bring them along. Dave Reynolds had a couple of spectacular shots taken at the lagoon in Moraira of a heron with a large fish that it had caught.
John Snell gave a short presentation on the basic photo editing programmes which come with Windows 7 and Windows 10. He demonstrated that, when a jpeg image is accessed which has been downloaded onto the hard drive of a Windows 10 computer, the editing programme is automatically available. He showed how the editing software could crop, level, rotate and enhance the image. Just experiment! There are tutorials on You Tube, however the original photo editing programme that came with Windows 10 has changed, and some of the tutorials refer to the outdated software.
There are many other free photo editing programmes; if you still have XP or Vista, just Google for example “photo editing programmes for XP” and many options will come up, together with reviews.
Windows store also have a range, see
John said that he is no expert in taking pictures and, like many of us, relies on the camera to do the hard work by selecting “auto” on the programme dial. However he said he wants to learn more, and has got a couple of books to help him on his way, which he found useful. Two are produced by DK, “The beginner’s photography guide” and “Digital photography complete course”. “The complete guide to digital photography” by Ian Farrell is another with good reviews.
The next meeting will be held at the Martillo Bar on 18th April at 1030, chaired by Tom Birch, who will give a tutorial on photographing flowers. Please feel free to bring the camera that you use to the meeting.
Our next outing is planned to go to the Albarda Gardens near Pedreguer on Wednesday 9th May. Tom has kindly agreed to look after this. Details to follow in due course. The website is
John Snell
Group Leader