Membership Fees 2024 & 2025

The committee have been discussing renewal subscriptions for next year and, at the General Meeting on Monday, 2nd October 2023, recommended to the membership a sum of 10 euros to cover renewals for the 2 years 2024 and 2025,  i.e. pay 10€ in 2024 and nothing more until 2026.   This will apply to all fully paid-up members in 2023.

New and lapsed members would continue to pay 10 euros for 1 year.

The proposal was made by Beverley Stewart and seconded by Lynn Radford-Johnson. The proposal was approved by the members.

I am sure you will all be pleased with this news, but please  DO NOT PAY ANYTHING YET  as we do not accept payments before January 2024.

I will write to you again at the beginning of December giving you details of where and how you can pay.

Kind regards

Pat Clarke
Membership Secretary