Membership Renewals 2022 and 2023

How can I Renew my Membership for 2023?
If you are a fully paid-up member for the current 2022 membership year and are receiving our regular newsletters, etc., details of how you can renew for 2023 will be sent in due course. You do not need to pay anything now.

How Can I Renew my Membership for 2022?

If you have not yet renewed your membership for the 2022 membership year, you can still do so, either by paying by bank transfer or by paying cash at the next General Meeting or Coffee Morning.

If you have registered for online banking, then all you need to do is make a transfer from your Euro bank account.  If you have not registered for online banking, then just go into the local branch of your Euro bank with the U3A bank details and ask them to transfer the money for you.  Please ensure that your surname(s) and membership number(s) are included in the payment reference/description so that we can allocate payments correctly. 
If you are not sure of your membership number, please email me before making a transfer.
Unfortunately, we cannot accept transfers from UK bank accounts due to the high bank charges that would be incurred.  

Here are the details of the U3A bank account:

Bank:  Caixa Bank, Moraira
IBAN:   ES02 2100 7686 6602 0016 4581
Account holder nameAsoc. Social Tercera Edad Teulada-Moraira
Amount:  €10 euros per person
Payment reference/description:   Please write in SURNAME(S) and MEMBERSHIP NUMBER(S)

Once we have received your payment, your membership card will be sent to you by email. 
If you haven’t received your membership card after 2 weeks of making your transfer, please contact me:

Pat Clarke
Membership Secretary