Membership Renewals and New Members 2020

There will be six opportunities for you to renew your membership for 2020. The dates are as follows:

  • Monday, 6th January 2020 at the General Meeting in Teulada. Desks open from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m.
  • Thursday, 9th January 2020 in the theatre at La Senieta. Moraira. Doors open from 10:00 a.m. to 12 noon.
  • Friday, 24th January 2020 in the theatre at La Senieta, Moraira. Doors open from 10:00 a.m. to 12 noon.
  • Monday, 3rd February 2020 at the General Meeting in Teulada. Desks open from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m.
  • Tuesday, 25th February 2020 in the theatre at La Senieta, Moraira. Doors open from 10:00 a.m. to 12 noon.
  • Monday, 2nd March 2020 at the Annual General Meeting in Teulada. Desks open from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m.
  • Please note that you cannot renew your membership or join our U3A at the General Meeting on Monday, 2nd December 2019.
  • New members cannot join at the Annual General Meeting on 2nd March 2020.

The renewal subscription for 2020 will be 10 euros per person and must be paid in Cash.

There will be 3 renewal desks at each of the meetings, so please ensure that you join the correct queue.

  • Surnames A-F
  • Surnames G-O
  • Surnames P-Z

If you are not in Spain during the period January-March, then you can give your membership cards and subscriptions to a friend who will be able to renew on your behalf.

If you have not renewed your membership by 2nd March 2020, then you can still renew at any of the General meetings in Teulada after this date but, until you do renew, your membership will be treated as lapsed and you will not be able to

  • Attend or join any groups
  • Join any of the travel trips
  • Receive the newsletters or E-news bulletins
  • Participate in any social function
  • Continue to belong to our Facebook closed group

If you do not intend to renew your membership for 2020, please e-mail me at so that I can note our records accordingly.

If you did not renew your membership in 2019, you will need to complete another membership application form if you wish to rejoin.

New members are also welcome to join at any of the meetings in January and February, but will not be able to join at the Annual General Meeting on 2nd March 2020. The subscription for new members for 2020 will be 10 euros per person. For further details, please follow this link How to Join

By joining or renewing the Moraira-Teulada U3A, you agree that the information you provide to the U3A will be stored on computers and servers in Spain and abroad. Your data will only be used to communicate with you and manage your membership and that its use will be restricted within the U3A and not communicated to third parties under any circumstances. If you leave the U3A or do not renew your membership, your data will be removed from our IT systems, although it may be retained in our archival records.

Pat Clarke, Membership Secretary