Minutes of Annual General Meeting held on 3rd March 2025
at Salon GL Teulada at 10.45am.
End of Year Report.
Prue Jackson said that 2024 had been a successful year.
There were nearly 1500 members at the end of December and the group finances were sound.
The amended constitution has been signed and is awaiting approval by the Valencian authorities. Tony Old was thanked for all his work during this lengthy process.
There were many charity events including quiz nights, a concert, sales of knitted goods by the Knit and Natter group and refreshment sales. This enabled the U3A to donate over 5000€ to our designated charity for 2024 – Make a Smile. Thanks were given to the organisers and supporters of events.
The Travel group ran many successful trips including a holiday in Jordan.
Groups. There are over 40 groups and the group leaders were thanked for their work.
The International Choir, which is an Associate Group are looking for new members.
There is also a new Home Design service offered by Adrian Gracia, a qualified architect.
Social Events. Coral Guise- Smith organised the successful Summer and Christmas Balls as Tony Old had health issues last year and was thanked for her efforts.
A reminder was given about the Discounts Page where members can save money on goods and services.
Auditor’s Report and Approval of 2024 Accounts.
Ian Brown, the Auditor, gave a brief report and confirmed that the accounts are accurate. He informed the meeting that the accounts and balance sheet are on the website.
He recommended that the accounts be approved and this was proposed by Eileen Haxon and seconded by Meri Snell. Approval was by a show of hands and there were no objections.
As Ian is stepping down as Auditor after many years, he was presented with a thank you voucher on behalf of the U3A.
Vote of thanks to 2024/ 25 Committee.
Prue Jackson thanked the committee for their support and work during the last year.
Peter Griffiths, Election Officer, introduced himself and explained the voting procedures.
As there were no contested posts, voting was by a show of hands.
The 5 Executive Committee posts – President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Membership Secretary were voted on individually.
President – Margaret March – elected.
Vice President- Tony Old – elected
Secretary – Carolyn Holley – elected.
Treasurer – Eileen Brown – elected.
Membership Secretary- Pat Clarke – elected.
The other 7 committee posts were voted for en bloc.
Deputy Secretary – Annette Warr – elected.
Deputy Treasurer- Ian Brown – elected.
Travel Treasurer- Eileen Brown – elected.
Social Events Officer – Tony Old – elected.
Members without Portfolio – David Haxon – elected.
Eileen Haxon – elected.
Paul Sankey – elected.
Dennis Ainscough – elected.
The post of Group Coordinator is vacant.
There is one non- voting Committee position which did not require a vote.
Membership/ Committee Liaison – Dennis Ainscough.
Peter Griffiths thanked all the attendees for their cooperation and wished the committee a successful year working on behalf of the members.
New President
Margaret March thanked the members for attending and said she looked forward to the continued success of the U3A and to meeting more members soon.
Tribute to Prue Jackson.
Tony Old paid tribute to Prue and thanked her for her long and dedicated service to our U3A.
Prue was presented with a voucher and bouquet of flowers on behalf of the members.
The meeting closed at 11.10am.
President Margaret March ……………………………..
Secretary Carolyn Holley ………………………………