New Members
As we are unable to hold any General Meetings at the moment, the Committee are giving new members an alternative opportunity to join our U3A for the 2020 membership year.
Please understand that only a few groups are active at the moment so please check with our Groups Coordinator. Please check our website for up-to-date Travel information.
If you are interested in joining, you will need to download a membership application form, complete it and e-mail it to me at
I will then check it over and send you the U3A bank details so that you can make a bank transfer. The subscription is 10 euros per person. Once our Treasurer has confirmed receipt of your payment, I will issue you with a membership number and confirm to you by e-mail. All applications must be received by no later than Monday, 2nd November 2020.
This payment arrangement only applies for 2020.
Please be aware that the membership year runs from January to December and you would need to renew your membership at the start of 2021.
If you have not yet renewed for 2020, your membership has been treated as lapsed, so you are not receiving our newsletters, e-mail bulletins or communications from your group leaders at the moment.
In March, I wrote to you giving you the opportunity of renewing your membership for 2020 by paying your subscription by bank transfer. You would then be kept up-to-date with what is going on in our U3A and you would also be able to immediately participate in all activities as soon as you can return to Spain or when we are able to resume events, trips and group activities.
If you would like to reconsider taking up this option, please e-mail me with the names of the persons you want to renew, together with membership numbers if you have them, and I will send you the U3A bank details. The subscription is 10 euros per person.
Please be aware that if you do not renew by 2nd November 2020, you will need to complete a new membership application form if you wish to rejoin in a future year.
Pat Clarke, Membership Secretary