Spanish Culture Group: 28th March Guided Tour of Benissa Old Town

Date:  28th March

Location: Benissa Old Town

Subject: Guided Tour of Benissa Old Town

Group Leaders: Malcolm and Jules Burman

There is no charge for the tour

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A 2-hour guided tour of Benissa Old Town. From the town hall square we will walk through the narrow streets of the old town, including visits to the “Cathedral de la Marina”, the C18th mansion of the Abargues family and some buildings of interest not normally open to the public. The tour will finish at the C17th century Franciscan monastery at the top of the town.

As it is so close, there will be no organised transport. We will meet outside the town hall. For those with difficulty walking, bear in mind that Benissa is built on a hill, so there will be some uphill stretches and flights of steps.

Book now for further information. Malcolm and Jules Burman