Treasurers Report for 2017 after the audit

The 2017 Financial Accounts have been audited by Ian Brown on 17 January 2018.


Our income in 2017 from membership fee was €  12.645,00.

The membership fee was made up by 1593 members paying € 5,00,

and 52 members who were renewing after 7 March, paid € 10,00 for their renewal.

We welcomed 416 new members, and they paid € 10,00 each.

Although we had a decrease of € 4.669,21 in our balance, our finances look healthy.

Because of this healthy balance we were able to keep the membership fee at € 5,00 for renewals made before or at the AGM, which takes place every year at the first Monday in March. After March you can still renew, but the price will then be € 10,00.

We decide every year in November, if we are able to go ahead with the present membership fee  for renewals or that we have to increase the fee.

Contingency and deposit account.

We have € 4.000,00 in our contingency fund and € 5.000,00 in our deposit account. We had an income of € 2,43 in interest.

Asset Register.

The Asset Register is up to date and this year we added a glass grinder for the mosaic group and a microphone for our General meetings for a total of € 320,30. Purchases under € 100,00 will not be shown in the asset register because of the almost immediate depreciation.

We also had a loss of value in our assets of € 1.350,72 because of the selling of the music equipment from the GOMG.


For our liability insurance, which covers our third party liability, we paid this year €  1.391,63. Because of the fact that we welcomed so many new members in 2016, for this year our premium increased with € 436,28.

Payments to groups

This year we had the regular expenses for groups and committee such as ink cartridges, paper, play cards, rummikub set, balls, Dvd’s, dining out hosts, monthly  WIFI from Orange, € 34,95 (since August € 39,95) which we are using in Calle Catalayud, raffle gift, speakers gift, farewell gifts, hall hire, group leaders dinner etc.etc.

All the payments we make, every month, are showing in the financial report, which is on the website every month, the week after the GM.

Special Events 

Last year we had two dinner dance events in El Canor and a visit to Benidorm Palace.

For the summer dinner dance at El Canor 234 members were present

and for the Xmas dinner dance we welcomed 241 members.

The trip to Benidorm Palace was attended by 52 members.

Our committee for special events is already busy with planning

new events for this year, especially for the month May, in which we will celebrate our 10th anniversary.

The Budget.

The budget for this year will be €  17.270,00.

The Budget for 2018 has been constructed using all of the information and forecasts that were available at the time the Budget was compiled in January 2018.

Carin Derksen

Treasurer U3A Moraira- Teulada

27 february 2018

Audited balance sheet 2017