As is usual for this Festive time of the year, invites to dinners, parties and drinks with nibbles, stack up like a pack of cards on the mantelpiece, with the invite to the U3A Wine Tasting Group Christmas ‘Do’ being the ACE in the pack.
Unbelievably, it is 3 years since the last wine tasting Christmas get together, although many have, I expect, shared Covid and ‘growing older’ stories over the few wine tasting soirees in the meantime.
That festive, sequined outfit was still hanging in my wardrobe, waiting expectantly and, once I had dusted off the mothballs, I was happy it still fitted …. I’m forever thankful for those elastic waistbands!
The night was organised meticulously by Pat and Brian Clarke, although I imagine Pat was a little nervous by the absence of the ‘Maestro’ Abi Satari, who was away in Qatar for the World Cup. However, Zia, Abi’s business partner, and the Satari team orchestrated the night with professional finesse. The food and wine service was delivered majestically to 58 diners, with the meal deliciously tasty and, with this being my first festive dinner of the season, I applaud the team. No dried out turkey for all which is always a risk when catering for so many. “Super” “Tasty” “Fantastic” “Amazing” …. just a few comments I collected from diners on the night. There was a moment when one of the diners on our table misread the popper for pepper …. and sprayed his dinner and the table with confetti. That confetti … I’m still finding in strange places in the car and at home !!
The evening continued with the ‘Pink’ raffle, with all the tickets starting in the 400’s and was delivered by Brian in his usual comic style and added to the usual fun of the night …. some tables were happier than most I heard …

Irish Des was in ‘Res’, only briefly though with the meal finishing at 9.30 and cabs at 11, so not really enough time to wear the leather out on my shoes or to work off my dinner, but very enjoyable nonetheless.

We look forward, as usual, to us all meeting up again soon, to imbibe and to buy some more tasty wines for the wine cellar.

Review by Fiona Sankey, Photos by Pat