64 Diners gathered in the early evening warm sunshine, in the garden at Satari’s, with the spectacular blooming Magenta Bougainvillea providing a perfect curtain backdrop for the talented JJ Jones entertaining us as Neil Diamond. Never mind the hearing aids of the mostly over 70’s, this Neil Diamond was music to your ears. In fact he was ‘more Neil’ than I remember of the real thing! He has the voice, the looks, the charisma and of course…the shirts and I expect we will see more of him locally as his years of playing in venues in Benidorm are winding down. JJ has recently moved to Jalon and I’m sure the grapevine will spread the news that he’s now available locally. I’ll definitely be looking out for him and my dancing feet will be ready.
Abi Satari presented a different taste in his Greek menu to us tonight and the fabulous waiting staff served us hungry crowd … we were ready to burn off the excess on the dance floor.
We all know that these great events spin round so quickly that we are dizzy with the years flying by but moments like tonight will be etched in our memories for ever I’m sure. Fun with friends, dancing and raising a toast until the next wine tasting event after the summer, although there will be the usual notifications in your inbox to us U3A wine group members, letting us know of the deals and where we can pick up the odd crate or two until we meet again.
Thank You Pat and Brian for the impeccable organisation as always.
Review by Fiona, Photos by Pat & Ian